Chris de Bode’s ‘Dreams – The Power of Children’ available to buy as a book

For the past eight years, Chris de Bode has been working on an extraordinary set of images showing children from around the world expressing their hopes and dreams for the futures.

In total, Chris photographed and interviewed 58 children in 13 countries and this body of work will now be published as a book called ‘Dreams – The Power of Children’ which is available to buy here.

This book is an ode to the power, ingenuity and determination of children.

Much of this work was made possible by Save the Children who have commissioned Chris to travel all over the world, including many places where he met the children in this book.

To view a wider selection of images, please click here.

Dilan, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012. “As long as I can remember I’ve dreamt of flying, to go where I want to go. As a woman, this is by not always obviously possible in my world. Now I am able to study now but I wish that every child would be able to do so.”

Willberforce, northern Uganda, 2009. “I want to be the fastest. I want my parents, my school and country to be proud of me. Every day I run. I dream of coming home with the biggest trophy.”

Fourteen year old Bartool, Amman, Jordan, 2013. “I watch a TV show about a heart surgeon every week. She cures all her patients. I dream of being her, because my aunt has a heart problem too. I want to make her healthy again, just like the TV actress.”